Saturday, November 04, 2006

La di dee, one two three

Goodness. What a marathon two weeks. Maurice Durufle was an amazing man, but he certainly knew how to tie up someone's life for a while. I have finally learnt and performed the accompaniment to his Requiem; as I have said before, quite possibly one of my favourite pieces of music. I performed it on Thursday evening with the Chiltern Chamber Choir in Berkhamsted, in my church which was full of incense and candlelight, and for the first time in my tenure, an All Souls Catafalque The symbolism was excellent, and as for the cope worn by the priest.... I can't understand peoples' fear and hatred of the beautiful symbolic rites of the church.

Anyhow. That eulogy was to explain my silence again: I have been working almost non-stop on the Durufle, which has had it's own effect on my still ailing health - I'm not well again, but my mind is fertile from the music and the enjoyment of the social life I've managed to continue with my friends. There is much musing to return when I get a chance to construct it. In the meantime, a few random 'imagebites' from my phone. A snapshot of muse over the past 2 weeks.

I spotted the name of the manufacturers of my work lifts....

Henry muses on his red wine in Lee's Bag.

Mary, Claire and Rupert's foot were amongst the people who came to support the Durufle. Here they are repenting of silverlink..

I thought this was a perfect description....

Gavin drunk in charge of a bicycle on the way to the Edge from Lee's Bag (is there something metaphorical there?)


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