Sunday, April 02, 2006

An addendum

Something has been bothering me all day. My blog. I've been thinking about setting one up for weeks; I have several friends who are excellent blog correspondants and who possess excellent brains for the purpose. The inspiration to my aspiration: they hold that key responsibility. All day I have been excited about the subjects I could tackle so I obviously like it really.

I thought about it on the tube whilst on the way home from playing the organ. Is it the exhibitionism of blogging that worries me? No. I've always been secretly keen to show what is happening in my mind, because I feel it unusual. I'm an open-private person. Some things are strictly private, but my emotions and feelings are, were someone to ask, quite open.

Clearly it is the name that worries me. Blog is a toilet word. It is a poo that won't flush away. It even sounds like it.

The problem with these made-up words is that they sound synthetic. Weblog sounds like a spider poison. Antecedent and consequent are both clumsy and don't sound beautiful at all. The curse of compound words.

So if not a blog, what am I writing? A webiary? A webjourn? An Intiary?

Tony Hart had it right in 1986. This will be my Gallery. My mental exhibitionism is contained within a Gallery.

Pretentious. Pompous. But get used to it if you want to read further...

1 comment:

Ben said...

Blog is a toilet word. It is a poo that won't flush away. It even sounds like it.

Oh, how he laughed in Bloomsbury.