Saturday, April 08, 2006

Tuba Smarties

I do maintain that the tube is an amazing place. The control room at Covent Garden Station today gave the following proclamation:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please beware that pickpockets are in operation this afternoon"

It led me to wonder whether London Underground actually sublets the pickpocketing on the tube, and if there is a certain timescale for it.

A fairly unusual day all around, I met my friends Luke and Ruth, Helen and Andy, Clare, David and my Godson Benjamin. We had lunch in a lovely vegetarian cafe in Neal's Yard. Some years ago when I was an undergraduate, Ruth, Helen, Clare and David used to sing in my choir at college. In those days, I was the one who held court around the tables - usually with bottles of wine and filthy gossip and/or high philosophy. These days it is 1 year old Benjamin who holds the court: he is clearly the most important person in the room. Perhaps it is because I have passed it on to him that I no longer possess this gift. In days gone by, I could play a room like a game and come out of it having charmed most people. These days I just can't be bothered, or at least it feels like it...!

Age... it moves on. I went to the Edge tonight for the first time in ages. I miss convivial times there with people now distant and years now gone!

Bach B minor mass tomorrow. It should brighten my mood.

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