So, some observations to begin what I feel will be a positive week:
1. Why are the football supporters I see on the tube often fat, ugly, unrefined and badly dressed when their idols/ teams are often slim, attractive, aspire to be riche and dress well when off the pitch?
2. Will Christian Aid be surprised if they get bad press from traditionalists when they bring (lovely) hymns from the middle of Africa to their service that no congregation can understand the rhythms of let alone sing in the context of group worship? I love African music (obviously) and I firmly believe everyone is entitled their own style, but surely if you are promoting unity in purpose through Christ, then you should use good old songs that everyone will know and feel part of?
3. The same person who put the bible together was essentially responsible for the foundation of the beliefs of the Catholic Church. If you want to read scripture literally therefore, shouldn't you read it in ancient greek rather than a spurious translation?
4. On platforms along the line in about three places, the Victoria line has compressed air generators. Assuming there must be miles of tubing to reach the farthest distance from the generator before the next generator along will reach, surely the air becomes less compressed a few miles down, and therefore useless? Is that why the lines are falling apart?
5. As Johnny Clegg alluded in his song 'African Sky', one can really miss the African sunset on the west coast; I fell in love with it 8 years ago. The sunset in London makes me smile with love in my heart, but it is nothing compared to Cape Town. Still... there have been some beautiful dusks on the river over the past few days. It makes me love London. One day this week I will go and sit by the river with a bottle of wine, and watch the first sundowns of summer. Glorious.
And to end off, a few photos of what Jonny has been up to:
Playing/ flying Gavin's organ last Sunday morning. I want an instrument like this. There should be a safety announcment before pressing all of these buttons and travelling down the runway to enlightenment:

Me and Nicola being silly:

A beautiful summer sky on thursday evening in Greenwich:

I was proud of this still art:

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