The meanderings and obscure thoughts of a london musician who goes through life noticing and experiencing. An album of a life through thought and occurrence.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Beauty against work
The other day, I was in the Production Office talking to some producers, and the sun was setting... The London sun is the most beautiful sunset in this part of the world... the natural beauty of life is the most wonderful tonic to rubbish that happens at other times:
A straightforward, London person who lives in Kilburn. Pretty optimistic, an occasional and original wit, part-time (and red-wine induced) philosopher, social alcoholic, good at cooking, rubbish at but curious about films. Loves people, travelling, laughter, wine, coffee, madness, music, culture, good restaurants, bustling cafes and Saturday mornings in bed.
Works as a music publisher, musician of several varieties, wine consultant and attempts to push the boundaries of sleep deprivation.
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